EVER Monthly Scientific Sessions – WEBINARS

NEWS! Don’t miss the EVER Monthly Scientific Sessions: every first TUESDAY of the month, 14.00 CET.

Here below the schedule.
The zoom link is coming soon!

7.1.2025 ACB: Anatomy / Cell Biology Anu Kauppinen – Chair
Yoshiyuki Henning
Maria Hytti
Helder Andre
Olli Arjamaa
“Hypoxia in age-related macular degeneration (AMD)”

Dr. Olli Arjamaa: “Oxygen metabolism in age-related macular degeneration”

Dr. Yoshiyuki Henning: “Targeting hypoxia-inducible factors: A potential therapeutic avenue for age-related macular degeneration with implications for cell death and metabolism.”

Dr. Helder Andre: “The role of HIF in nAMD: a gene therapy perspective”

Dr. Maria Hytti: "Inhibition of Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1A Protects Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells from Hydroquinone-induced Toxicity"

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4.2.2025 COS: Cornea / Ocular Surface Zisis Gatzioufas, Giulio Ferrari, Almudena Inigo Portugues, Edoardo Villani, Matteo Castelnuovo Pain and inflammation in corneal and ocular surface diseases
Moderators: Zisis Gatzioufas, Giulio Ferrari (5 min)

14.05-14.15 Neuroinflammation: the missing link between pain and inflammation in ocular surface diseases - Giulio Ferrari (Italy)
14.15-14.25 Neurophysiological basis of ocular pain and inflammation - Almudena Inigo Portugues (Spain)
14.25-14,35 Inflammation and dry eye disease: is that all? Edoardo Villani (Italy)
14.35-14.45 Pain in corneal diseases: patients’ perspective - Matteo Castelnuovo (Italy)
14.45-15.00 Q&A
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4.3.2025 EOVS: Electrophysiology / physiological Optics / Vision Sciences Co-organisers: Omar Mahroo and Anthony Robson
Anthony Robson
Magella Neveu
Dorothy Thompson
Gordon Plant
Omar Mahroo
Clinical Applications of Electrophysiology: Genotype-phenotype Correlations and Case-based Examples
In this session, insights from applications of electrophysiology in the clinical context will be discussed. These will include genotype-phenotype correlations in rare inherited eye diseases (of increasing importance in the era of new therapies) and case-based examples of clinical diagnostic dilemmas wherein electrophysiological tests were instrumental in securing the diagnosis.
The speakers are leading scientists and clinicians with decades of experience in the clinical and/or scientific application of visual electrophysiology. The symposium will be of particular interest to clinicians who wonder how electrophysiology might fit into the optimal clinical management of patients in 2025 and beyond.
Co-organisers: Omar Mahroo and Anthony Robson

90 min:
5 talks (each 15 min including Q&A if time),
Then 15 min discussion time

Speaker 1: Anthony Robson: Teenage cavities
Speaker 2: Magella Neveu: Signal failure down the line…
Speaker 3: Dorothy Thompson: Paediatric electrophysiology
Speaker 4: Gordon Plant: Visual electrophysiology in neurology
Speaker 5: Omar Mahroo: Interactive Retinal Cases
15 min discussion

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1.4.2025 G: Glaucoma Chaired by Professor Miriam Kolko and Professor Barbara Cvenkel
Dr. Pete Williams
Dr. Andrew Tatham
Prof. Gus Gazzard
Updates on Glaucoma Treatments: the current status of nicotinamide, ROCK inhibitors and SLT.
2.00-2.05 Profs. Miriam Kolko and Barbara Cvenkel: Welcome and introduction of the speakers
2.05-2.22 Prof. Gus Gazzard: Update on Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT), including its established role as a first-line treatment and the latest outcomes in clinical practice
2.22-2.39 Dr. Pete Williams: Update on the neuroprotective effects of nicotinamide and its potential role and risk in the management of glaucoma
2.39-2.56 Dr. Andrew Tatham: Update on the status of Rho Kinase (ROCK) Inhibitors, exploring their current applications for intraocular pressure reduction and overall ocular health
2.56-3.00 Profs. Miriam Kolko and Barbara Cvenkel: Conclusion and round up
Webinar Registration - Zoom
29.4.2025 IM: Immunology / Microbiology Dr. Ester Carreño
Prof. François Willermain
Dr. Colin Chu
Prof. Jarmila Heissigerova
Prof. Richard Lee
Prof. Claudia Fabiani
Dr. Stéphane Abramowicz
The title: "The multiple links between uveitis, retinal inflammation and genetics”
Moderators: Prof. François Willermain and Dr. Colin Chu
- Monogenic diseases associated with uveitis - Prof. Jarmila Heissigerova
- CRB1 retinopathy and the gut - Prof. Richard Lee
- AIDA network - Prof. Claudia Fabiani
- Genetic polymorphisms and uveitis - Dr. Stéphane Abramowicz
- Genetic diseases masquerading as uveitis - Dr. Ester Carreño
3.6.2025 LC: Lens and Cataract Rafael I. BARRAQUER, Barcelona (2023-2028)
1.7.2025 MBGE: Molecular Biology / Genetics / Epidemiology Chair: Joni Turunen
2.9.2025 NSPH: Neuro-ophthalmology / Strabismology / Paediatric Ophthalmology / History of Ophthalmology Patrick YU WAI MAN, Cambridge (2020-2025)
7.10.2025 PO: Pathology / Oncology JWM BEENAKKER, Leiden (2020-2025)
4.11.2025 PBP: Physiology / Biochemistry / Pharmacology Pedro DE LA VILLA, Madrid (2021-2026)
2.12.2025 RV: Retina / Vitreous Lyubomyr LYTVYNCHUK, Giessen (2023-2028)
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