The organisation is governed by a Board which is elected by the membership. The Board consists of Scientific Officers (Board Members) and the Executive Committee.
Board members are nominated by each Scientific Section at an Annual Meeting of the Association and then elected via mail ballot by the general membership. There are at present 11 Scientific Sections, representing major areas of research. The regular term of office is 5 years. At the end of their term of office, Board members are eligible to become President or Vice President of the Association for a term of one year.
The President and the Vice-President(s) and the Programme Secretary, are appointed by the Board. Together with the Secretary General and the Treasurer they form the Executive Committee. Candidates for Treasurer and General Secretary are nominated by a subcommittee of the Board and then elected via mail ballot by the general membership. The period of office is 5 years.
The members have to vote for new Leaders of Scientific Sections, Secretary General and Treasurer.
Votings are open to all EVER Effective members who have paid their membership fee.